Big claims are often made in politics, especially when elections are near. Recently, former President Donald Trump has made many claims about the economy, energy independence, migrant crime and inflation, which should be investigated. Let’s confront these claims with truth.
Economy: Trump vs Biden
Trump often claims economic success during his administration, especially before COVID-19. But even taking into account the impact of COVID, many experts believe that the economy has improved better under Biden’s rule. Job creation and a drop in unemployment rate reflect the success of Biden’s economic policies.
Energy independence: What is the truth?
Trump says that the US achieved energy independence during his tenure, but this is not entirely true. In fact, the US has never achieved complete energy independence since 1950. Although energy imports declined during Trump’s tenure, this trend began in the mid-2000s and continued under Biden.
Venezuela Oil: Data Analysis
Trump claimed that the US has become dependent on Venezuelan oil during Biden’s tenure. But in reality, the US imported 3.2 million barrels of oil per day from Venezuela during Trump’s tenure, while this number has come down to 1.7 million barrels per day during Biden’s tenure. This clearly shows that dependence on Venezuelan oil has decreased, not increased.
Migrant Crime: Myth or Truth?
Trump claimed an increase in migrant crime, but this claim is also proved wrong based on statistics. Various studies show that migrants, whether they have documents or not, have lower crime rates than US citizens.
Crime Rate Under Biden: Comparison
Trump claimed a crime wave in the country, but the truth is that the violent crime rate has decreased by 26% during Biden’s administration. This fact proves Trump’s claim to be false.
Inflation: How is the situation?
Trump attacked Biden over inflation, but recent data shows that inflation has fallen to 2.9%, the lowest since 2021. This is a sign that Biden’s economic policies are successful.
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